Jag Junction is our school store. It is generally open on Tuesdays and Thursdays during all 3 lunches. The schedule depends on volunteer availability.
We are also open during indoor sporting events, open houses, Freshman orientation, and sometimes after school depending on the need. Jag Junction has a mobile site at home Varsity football games and soccer/lacrosse games to sell spirit wear to fans!
We NEED Your Help!
Jag Club parent volunteers help run the store. No experience is necessary! We would love to have your help in whatever capacity you can.
It’s not a big time commitment. You can sign up for whatever days/times work with your schedule and the more parent volunteers we have the better we operate. It’s fun to see the students during lunch and catch up with everyone at games!
We are grateful for any time you can give and you will make a difference!
If you have any questions, please contact Joni Medlin jonimedlin@gmail.com